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Saturday, August 20, 2011

It's not the camera, its the photographer.

I always hear from people that they had a bad shoot or couldn't get a picture because of their camera being too old or too slow. I can honestly say that 90% of the time it's not the camera that's making the picture good it's the photographer (pictures from Nikon D3X's are the other 10%).

I've had dozens of point and shoot pocket cameras and crappy SLR's and I can honestly say it's who has the camera who makes the photo good. There are a few books out there that document this effect, i can't think of the author at the moment (even though i could simply google it and find out), who has put together an entire book of photos just from his Iphone with the help of a few effects done in Iphone.  But the point is it came out pretty amazing, you're going to loose a little bit of depth of field and a few other things but it's where the composition and image comes into play.

Sometimes I'll be looking through a bride and groom magazine (it's a central MA sorta thing) and i'll notice that the published photo is blurry or grainy and I'll be dumbfounded on how it made the cut.  Then i take a second and third look at the picture and realize that the picture has a classic feel and also captures the moment only the way a photographer can.

So here's an example for all of you to go by. When you weren't a photographer or realized that you wanted to be one, look at your pictures from previous years and find the gems. I personally cringe when i see my old work but revel in the moments when i took the time to make the proper composition and take multiple pictures instead of a quick snap and turn away. What i'm trying to say is that before you had the right equipment, before you invested thousands of dollars  that your craft was photography and not excess of equipment.


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